GAIN is recruiting a Consultant to Support Salt Industry AISAL/APROCOSAL, to be based in Mambone and Mossuril, Mozambique.
- GAIN - Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition is recruiting two consultants to
support the development of the salt industry
- The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is a Swiss-based foundation
launched at the UN in 2002 to tackle the human suffering caused by malnutrition.
Working with both governments and businesses, we aim to transform food systems
so that they deliver more nutritious food for all people
- Despite USI being mandated in Mozambique as far back as in 2000 with legal
standards set at 25-55 ppm, most salt consumed is not iodised. Among the key
reasons advanced for the slow progress in achieving USI in Mozambique are the
technical and business challenges facing over 300 SMEs who produce salt. These
include fragmentation of the salt industry, lack of investments to achieve and sustain
USI, low demand for iodised salt, lack of uniformity in the price of iodised salt in
different regions, and low public awareness on the importance of consuming
iodised salt. The salt currently produced by SME is of poor quality, non-refined, and
non-iodized. Distributors procure the salt directly from these SMEs for sale in retail
markets and for industrial use
- In examining possibilities for consolidation, we find that there are ad-hoc
opportunities at the regional level in Nampula province, where SMEs could be
integrated with the existing 2 large salt processors. At the national level there is a
need to consolidate and structure production and processing to get high quality
iodized salt. There is a need of structuring the salt industry as critical for the survival
of the SMEs. Structuring will upgrade the production standards, leverage
aggregated volumes, and increase the bargaining power of the SMEs
- Location: Nova Mambone-ARPOCOSAL, and Mossuril- AISAL, Moçambique
General objective
- The overall objective of this consultancy is to update the business plans, build
capacity of the associations and ensure they are operational, institutionalize
business processes and systems (stock management, business development,
financial management and ensure full cost recovery for the iodine in line with global market prices) and work with government and relevant partners to incentivise salt iodization
- The consultants should be based at the associations headquarters (APROCOSAL-
Nova Mambone and AISAL- Mossuril) for close accompanying of all activities and supervision and may be sometimes at the GAIN office in Maputo. The consultants
will respond to GAIN and support the associations. The start point of the work
should be to review all related documents, including business plans, association
statutes and other relevant documents. GAIN and the associations will provide all
necessary documents for this research
- Duration of the Consultancy: This consultancy must take a maximum of 1 year (12 months)
- Consultants qualifications: We intend to hire 2 consultants, one in Mambone and another in Mossuril, to
support these two salt associations
Specific objectives
- To review and update the business plans of the two associations and
update the administrative and purchase costs of iodine in line with
international prices
- Prepare and execute a sales and business development plan for iodine
working with large, medium and small-scale salt producers
- To update the iodine prices periodically in line with global prices to
ensure sufficient resources for replacement stock
- Develop templates for monthly reporting and accounting of iodine sales
and stocks and bank balances for the associations
- Lead meetings to review the effectiveness of the new administrative,
financial, and reporting plans for iodine sales
- Update the organisation chart of each association
- Strengthen collaboration between the associations and stakeholders
including government agencies, NGOs, civil society, other industry
associations and other interested groups
- Capacity development of the association members/staff on supply chain
management, stock management, financial management and business
development in relation to the iodine revolving fund
- Participate in feasibility studies regrading salt cooperatives business
model in Mozambique
- Prepare market reports on salt industry, imports, exports, and
government policies affecting the salt industry
- Visit the associations’ current management and provide
recommendations and necessary steps to be taken basing on their
- Carry bank vs stock reconciliation with the associations and provide
monthly stock usage with a target to improve sales
- Provide any other support to the associations as requested
Expected Outputs
- Streamline and have the cooperatives/associations up and running with a
clear and accountable lead for each group assigned and trained
- Iodine sales and business development plans for the associations and
monthly progress reports
- Updated business plans and iodine prices
- Business processes developed - stock management, pricing, financial
management and sales
- Revolving fund management: monthly sales and iodine stock reports and
bank balances
- Work with government officials/other partners to update iodine deficiency
status of Mozambique and develop a strategic action plan
- Successful workshop bringing together key partners in the salt cooperatives/associations and sugar association to exchange best practices and motivate
them on iodization
- Summary report of past and current efforts on salt iodization or food
fortification by different partners/government including impact of these
efforts on compliance and uptake
- Support to government officials on fortification checks – providing required
technology and training
- A report on recommendations on incentives and cost savings for salt
producers based on detailed talks with relevant cooperatives and associated
- Business visits and support plan prepared and approved by all partners
Reports on salt industry, imports, exports and government policies affecting
the salt industry
- New proposed management team with required skills and knowledge
- Both must have:
- Minimum of a bachelor's degree in business administration qualification
- Minimum of a bachelor's degree in accounting qualification
- Minimum of a bachelor's degree in auditing qualification or related field
- Bachelor’s degree with Food/Nutrition and health systems preferred
- Consultants experience:
- Practical experience in business administration and management
- Experience of working with associations or/and cooperatives
- Extensive political economy analysis experience
- Experience in food fortification, nutrition, food systems
- Leadership Experience of working with association leaders
- In-depth understanding of the complex public health nutrition and food
systems context in Mozambique, including the politics, economic and social
- Proven experience working with food industry, government authorities, civil
society organisations, and academic institutions
- Sales, business development and marketing and supply chain management
- Conflict management experience
- Experience in financial management
- Strong hold on English and local languages
- Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
- Indicate the source of this job post:
- Please direct your resumes and other communications or questions to the contact
above, by 17th March 2023. "Consultancy service: Consultant to support salt
associations-AISAL/APROCOSAL " should be used as the subject line. Responses
will not be confidential except in cases where proprietary information is involved
How to Apply
1. Documentation
- Cover Letter
- Curriculum Vitae
2. Application