Boa capacidade de planeamento e organização Mente aberta para novos aprendizados Capacidade de trabalhar sob pressão e fora de horas. Fortes habilidades de relacionamento inter-pessoal. Espírito de trabalho em equipa. Iniciativa. Perseverança
Trabalhador da Movitel como Especialista de Transmissao, onde é responsável pela área centro e sul do país; Manutenção preventiva e corretiva de equipamentos Eléctricos e Electrónicos; conhecimentos básicos de contabilidade;
Habilidoso. Facilidade de adaptação. Trabalha com todos equipamentos topográficos ( estação total,gps,nível óptico, teodolito) Trabalha com Autocarro, Arcmap, MDT.
An enthusiastic network technician with the necessary drive and determination needed to resolve complex networking issues. Possessing effective organizational skills and excellent working knowledge of networking technologies and having a commitment to keep up to date with the latest developments. Experienced in providing motivation, guidance and a up to date networking consultancy service to both
- Provide the necessary financial information to assist Programme Officers to better monitor and manage projects implemented by local partners (Government Ministries, Associations and other partner Organizations). - Control and manage the Office expenditure as well as those of the recipient partners with a view to ensure that expenditure does not exceed allocations. - As a member of the financial sector, provide support on any matter pertaining to finances, such as monitoring of advance payments made to partners as well as expenditure, and monthly financial reports for subsequent submission to the Headquarters. - Ensure full support to the partners in the implementation of activities, including joint monitoring activities with the Programme Officers in order to foster the pursuit of results in accordance with the recommendations from quarterly evaluations exercises. - Detect potential over or under expenditures. - Processing of financial and accounting transactions in the HACT system, i.e. an innovative