CURRICULUM VITAE for Alfred Mafunu Alfred Mafunu is a well-informed educationist and community developer with a passion for community development, equal opportunities and better economic transformation. Apart from his 28 years of teaching experience, he has coordinated in Dutch educational programme to a great success from 1998 to 2003, with three projects namely early childhood educational motivation, community participation in infrastructural development and educational promotion in Zimbabwe remote rural areas. He has worked with NGOs of Mozambique in projects that promote women and youth development in economic transformation and peace-building. His main duties included Monitoring and evaluation of aid effectiveness, Community school development proposals, Human resources management, project report writing, child protection, and training of field officers on data collection. He participated in the JICA Baseline survey on small scale rice production in Chókwe District of Gaza Province-Mozambique for 3 years. He works with a group of American Peace Corps
Excelentemente dinâmico, eficiente e preservado sempre um bom sentido de optimismo; Presando sempre pela eficiência e organização das actividades que desempenho; Capacidade de rápida integridade no ambiente interno; Portador de valores morais, sobre tudo a honestidade e sinceridade.