Trabalhei no laboratorio do MISAU a 10 anos ,trabalho com ONGs a 5anos como Elizabeth Glasier,Total Mocambique, Abt Mocambique ,Instituto Nacional de saude,participei em alguns estudos da area de saude com a OMS,Inquerito Nacional de COVID-19 Pemba, formacoes para elaboracao de projectos de Estudo pela INS.fiz cursos avancados de sistema de Gestao Ambiental e Gestao de Projectos,Curso de tecnicas de Auditorias.
Biologo& Tecnico de Labooratorio
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I am an efficient professional skilled in the outlined duties of the open position mainly from my current as well as previous position of Project Officer and Community Development Officer respectively. Over the course of my 9 year career, I have acquired direct set skills required for the position of District Facilitator that have enhanced ability to plan and facilitate regular team activities outside of the office as well as conducting effective performance evaluations. Mentoring those with less experience is my stronghold attained in the field of mining. This is also inclusive of high communication and interpersonal skills. From the position of an Administrator I have gained experience in program administration, operating procedures, approving employees' time and expense reports in a conscientious and timely manner. This is inclusive of reviewing and drafting status reports of ongoing programmes to higher authorities. I also have knowledge on how to handle and address
Administration / Development work
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