I write this letter to express my deep interest to the position of Coordenador de Aprovisionamento recently announced in your organization. I am attending Master’s degree in Public Administration and bachelor’s degree in English Language teaching (Education). I believe that I am an excellent fit for this position given my experience in coordination of community development programs (Sponsorship) and education with special focus on Child protection, Gender Equality, SRHR, advocacy, gender transformative approaches and girls’ empowerment to tackle the root cause of GBV. Throughout my career, I held the positions of Project Officer, M&E Officer, Field Officer and currently I am holding the position of Coordinator and Translator in Sponsorship and Education Program. In this position, I am responsible of development, implementation and management of programs in the Field, elaboration of detailed ToRs, project work plans with clear division of responsibilities among team member, monitoring the progress and preparing high
Coordenador de programa de desenvolvimento comunitário e Tradutor
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2010/2014 - trabalhei na vale Moçambique como operador de Motoniveladora, 2014/2015- trabalhei na eqstra como operador de Motoniveladora 2016/18 - trabalhei na mota-engil como operador de Motoniveladora
Operador de Máquinas
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Em relação aos meus atributos, devo referir entre outros, a minha apurada capacidade de liderança, de motivar e gerir recursos humanos, de buscar soluções em face de problemas complexos e ainda, de trabalhar sob pressão e em ambiente multicultural e internacional.
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Médico de clínica geral, Militar com patente de Tenente. 4anos na área mineira prestando cuidados de primeiros socorros. 6anos em exercício médico, nas enfermarias de medicina, pediatria e Genecologia e Obstetrícia
Médico de clínica geral
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Dedicated person with experiance in the fast moving consumer goods industry. Strong multi tasker who thrives under pressure. Excellent communicator and a team player who is willing to help other people. I was once awarded the highest possible scores during an annual performance review. Given my vast experiance I would a valued assest for any organisation.
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• Experiencia em elaboração de orçamentos mensais, trimestrais, semestrais e anuais; • Experiencia no processamento de serviços educacionais (subvenções e subsídios escolares) desde as necessidades do beneficiário ate a entrega dos mesmos. • Experiencia consolidada na utilização e gerência de fundos provenientes do Povo Americano (USAID). • Experiencia em cálculos e registos e pagamentos de impostos (IVA, IRPS Modelo 19, IRPC, INSS descontos de salários dos colaboradores). • Efectuar o registo e o controle de adiantamentos até a data de justificação com os respectivos comprovativos da despesa. • Domínio no preenchimento dos Relatórios Financeiros em formato electrónico usando o pacote Excel, constituído pelos seguintes itens: 1) Reconciliação Bancária; 2) Diário de Bancos; 3) Controle Orçamental; 4) Relatório do IVA; 5) Mapa de Custos Partilhados; 6) Inventario; 7) Timesheet.
Estagiario de Finacas
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Iam Electrical profissional Technician ,trained in the branch of electricity in the specialty of electrical industry, by the Industrial and commercial Institute of Pemba ,currently Iam Studing at AIU- Atlantic Internacional University. I was working in the Electrical departament at the Twigg Exploration & Mining Limitade Graphite Mini.develop me skills in the area of Instrumentation. And currentlyI was working at Likusasa Lead EPC & Sacatec Solar as Electricain technition and instrumentation , whose objective is the implementation of a plant with the capacity to generate 40 MW through renewable sources.