Sou um jovem carismático e apaixonado pela comunicação. Revejo-me no vosso quadro de trabalhadores, pela forma ímpar que se impõem no mercado. Estou expectante, que a minha experiência resumida nas entrelinhas, poderá ser cuidadosamente apreciada. Obrigado
My experiences were acquired during four essential posts: firstly, as a psychological counselor for minors in the program to prevent sexual abuse of minors, whose mission was to provide psychological support, identify signs and risk behaviors in children, advocate community to report cases of sexual violence. Second, as a human resources manager in a consulting firm for the recruitment and selection of people. Third, as a UNV child protection officer for two years, where I began assisting the program of minors in conflict with the law, as well as assisting other different areas. And last one, as Child protection Officer for CRVS with focus on awareness and social mobilization, monitoring, documentation and management. In addition, work in emergency situation, providing inputs towards situation and response monitoring and generate and disseminated reports, dash boards, and establishing communication channels between, provincial representatives and district level.
Proactive Business Intelligence Analyst with ten years providing employers with valuable and actionable data to drive business growth. Dedicated to customer satisfaction with focused delivery of technical solutions. Keen support business growth by leveraging intelligence assets to predict and reveal optimal business strategies.
A 7 Anos trabalhando na Area de Telecomunicações Móveis , no departamento de operações actuando especificamente no sector de Configuração e Manutenção da rede a nível de Base station system