Trabalhei como agente de balcão, na qual fazia atendimento ao cliente, fecho de caixas, dedicação de IVA, depósito bancário, exerci funções de gestor escala onde a actividade central era coordenador o trabalho com as demais escalas por forma a cumprir as metas traçadas, e garantir que todas os aspectos tais como documentação da empresa estive sempre em dia.
I have got twenty years of professional experience in accounting, I currently work at USAID as Project Accountant and I am the backup of the Chief Accountant. I have worked for two years as Budget Analyst and Accountant at the US Embassy and for three years at the Hunger Project Mozambique as Finance Officer. I am currently writing my master's thesis in Accounting, Tax and Corporate Finance; I have got BSc (Hons) Information Technology Audit for Financial Institutions and Medium Level in Accounting.
Juliana Lara Conjera is a Mozambican national with a Bachelor´s Degree (Public Administration and Sociology), and Specialist certificate in Leadership and Management in Health. She has 15 years of experience in M&E, health, data quality and assurance, including M&E of the USAID Community Care Project. She has more than 18 year of experience in Mozambique. She has technical expertise in: HIV/AIDS; TB; geographic information systems; data quality assurance; quality assurance/quality improvement; data monitoring, analysis, and feedback to implementing partners; development of M&E forms and registers for TB and HIV indicators; monitoring and evaluation; capacity building, mentoring and transfer of technical skills to M&E staff at CBOs and Ministerial departmental partners. She is skilled in Project Management, Strategic Planning, designing/planning, budgeting, implementing and management of development projects, including: community-based projects with a special technical focus on Community-Based Direct Observation and Treatment (DOTS) of TB in the community; HIV/AIDS prevention among youth;