Brief Description of Duties Available for related matters during the normal working hours and whenever required. Conduct briefings with the drivers about safety and other business as whole. Ensure compliance to service schedule. Ensure cleanses of the trips. To ensure that the fleet is available for the next trip immediately after completion of the previous one. To conduct pre and post trip briefings with drivers. To log all trips in to system prior to trip initial . To request the necessary funds to be allocated to the drivers for the trips. Verify the completeness and relevance of the trip documentation with the drivers including the funds justifications on completion of the trip. Verify the automated safety performance reports and take necessary actions. Daily update of the file for the km vs. liters consumed and share with the relevant stakeholders. Initiate the disciplinary processes and lease with HR for the further
Lpg and fuel regional fleet supervisor supply Chain
Trabalho como Recepcionista e Secretaria Assistente; Receber e Fazer Chamadas Receber, Organizar, Encaminhar e Arquivar Documentos Prestar Informações Elaboração de Cartas Recepcionar, Atender e orientar pessoas Organizar o ambiente da Recepcao. Emissao de Facturas e Recibos atraves do pastel e primavera
Sou formada em secretariado executivo,ao longo da minha formação adquiri experiencia de organização de arquivos,elaboração de cartas,responder correspondencias,enviar emails, elaborar actas das reunioes,.e trabalho na EMME como assistente administrativa e supervisora ,onde organizo reuniões,elaboro actas das reuniões ,envio correspondência,organizo arquivos dos Directores, atendo os utentes na recepção .elaboro cartas para varias Empresas.
No meu actual cargo ja tive grandes desafios, bem como grandes feitos. para alem de ter iniciado apouco tempo no meu novo emprego como Logistico, ja vinha fazendo um trabalho semelhante no outro emprego ( controlava fornecedor, fazia a logistica de todos produtos bem como material para uso na instituicao. no novo trabalho, consegui organizar os motarias de forma a trabalharem em harmonia e dedicaçao,organizar uma visita de monitoria nos capos de produçao ( desde a logistica da viagem ate as reunioes la realizada, foi um sucesso.
formado em engenharia de processoes, possuindo habilitacoes em operacoes unitarias e Higiene e Segurança no trabalho, dominio de informatica na optica do utilizador, gestao de midia, proeficiencia em linguagem de programacao, conhecimento basico do Aspen Hysys (simulador de processos).
Atualmente estou a trabalhar na empresa Canas Engenharia como técnico de máquinas pesadas.tais como escavadoras, niveladoras. pá mecânica.gruas e Dumpers. Já estou neste ramo desde 2014! Antes disso estava a trabalhar na empresa montadora de viaturas Jack...e empresa Ómega... empresa Fipag... Em todas essas empresas e outras colhendo experiência e partilhando conhecimentos técnicos,como mecânico.eletricista auto e operador de máquinas de elevação e de terra planagem ...
I'm a experienced Social Development professional, graduated in Sociology (2011), with 6 years of experience in Lobby & Advocacy in development context, with skills in Public Finances, Debt management, Gender and Human Rights Issues. I'm also able to Liaison with partners and stakeholders at national, regional and international level. I worked in project management, interacting with local communities within the scope of corporate social responsibility in the areas of income generation, water, sanitation and education. It is also worth to mention that I work in the Social Monitoring of impacted families and research in the areas of Poverty, access to basic public services, Gender and technical assistance to NGOs.
A qualified professional in Teaching, Logistics and Transport and currently studying graduation in Environmental Management with a wide repertoire of skills, competencies, and knowledge base in the mentioned fields as well as basic experience in customer service and health and safety at work. Currently performing as Transport officer and Health and Safety representative while managing Transport brokering division and dealing with external customers, administration, and commercial department internally.
Transport/Logistics, HSE/ISO, Customs Clearing, English L. Teaching
I used to work at retail store in my 20s. Then I became a mom and a housewife during that time I studied computer end user in 2011 studied office administration in 2019. Became a volunteer at school as a food handler in 2022 where tha contract ended in 2023.