A a self-motivated social scientist with 10 years of experience in development practice, specifically in the areas of food security and nutrition, agriculture policy, biofuels. I have also been engaged in the preparation of environment and social management frameworks (ESMF) and resettlement policy frameworks (RPF) for World Bank funded projects, as well as conducted data quality audits (DQAs) on USAID funded projects. I have worked in the area of nutrition for 5 years at country level in the provision policy advice, donor coordination and overseeing the implementation of multisectoral plans at both national and subnational levels. For 2 years, I co-led a multistakeholder and musltisectoral partner’s nutrition working group, which had the objective of coordinating partners’ response to chronic malnutrition in Mozambique. In my current role as Partnership Officer, I am engaged in establishing strategic partnerships and collaborations with the private sector in areas related to agriculture, forestry and fisheries,
Social Scientist
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