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How to create a free account
To create your free account follow these steps: 1. Press the “Candidates” button on the top right corner of the page. View this page 2. Press the “Create a free account” button on the bottom side of the page. View this page 3. Recommended - Press the button fo the platform that you use the most (Google, Facebook, or LinkedIn) to use your email already validated by that platform. View this page When you press it a window of your selected platform will open and ask you to authorize “” to use your Name and Email. Press authorize. Your account will be created and will open your My CV page. To learn how you can fill-in My CV please visit the How to fill-in My CV page. 3. Alternative - Press the button “Sign up with Email” to use your personal email. View this page
How to login to my account
To login to your account follow these steps: 1. Press the “Candidates” button on the top right corner of the page. View this page 2. If you created your account with other platforms - Press the button of the platform you used to create your account (Google, Facebook, ou LinkedIn). View this page will open your CV. To learn how you can fill-in My CV please visit the How to fill-in CV page. 3. If you used your personal e-mail to create your account - Insert your email and password and press the “Log in” button. View this page will open your CV. To learn how you can fill-in My CV please visit the How to fill-in CV page. Did you forget your password? Visit the How to recover or change your password page.
How to recover or change your password
To recover or change your password follow these steps: 1. Press the “Candidates” button on the top right corner of the page. View this page 2. On the login page, press the link “Forgot password?”. View this page 3. Type your email address and press the “Recover password” button. View this page 4. Go to your Email and in your Inbox you will receive a message with the title “ - Recover password”. If you cannot find it in your Inbox check your Spam Folder or search for “” in your Email. 5. Open this e-mail and press the “New password” button. will open a page where you can insert your new password. From now on this will be the password you can use to login.
How to fill-in your CV
To fill-in your CV follow these steps: 1. Press the “Candidates” button on the top right corner of the page. View this page 2. Login to your account. If you don't know know how to login check the How to login to my account page. 3. On the CV page, press the picture box and upload your photo, in a square format, with a minimum of 400 pixels wide and height, and a maximum of 8 megabytes. 4. Next to your name, press the “Edit” button and fill-in all the fields in the form with your professional data, when you are done press the “Save” button. 5. In the “Personal Info” area press the edit button and fill-in all the fields in the form, when you are done press the “Save” button. 6. In the “Contacts” area, where it says “Telephones”, press the “Add” button
How to apply to vacancies
To send your applications to the available vacancies follow these steps: 1. View the “Vacancies” page all the vacancies available and press the vacancy that interests you. 2. Read carefully all the duties of the vacancies where the job role is specified, and the requisites that are needed for this position. 3. If you have the requisites needed for this position there are 3 ways to apply, depending on the recruiter preference: Apply with your CV If the vacancy has a button that says “Apply for this vacancy” the recruiter will receive your the CV you created on this platform in their database. Press the “Apply for this vacancy” button and follow the steps to confirm your application. You will need to login to your account (see How to login to my account) and verify if your CV is filled-in (see How to fill-in my CV). Application
How to send spontaneous applications and internships
To send spontaneous applications or for internship opportunities follow these steps. 1. Access the “Recruiters” page. 2. Choose one of the available recruiters and press their logo to access their recruiter page. 3. Read carefully all the information made available by the recruiter to decide if this is a company for which you would like to work. 4. Scroll-down the recruiter page until you see the “Send Spontaneous Application” and “Internship Opportunities” buttons. 5. Press the button you want and follow the steps to submit your application. The recruiters will receive your CV on their database, so make sure your CV is filled-in (see How to fill-in the CV).
How to purchase a CV PRO professional account
To purchase a CV PRO professional account and access all the advanced functionalities on the platform follow these steps: 1. Login to your account (see How to login to my account) and on the navigation bar press “Professional Account”. 2. On the professional account page read carefully the Terms & Conditions of the service. 3. If you accept the Terms & Conditions press the “Purchase a Professional Account” button. 4. Choose the duration of your professional account according to your preference and press the “Next Step” button. 5. Confirm that you accept the Terms & Conditions of the serviço by checking the box where it says “Accept the Terms & Conditions”. 6. Insert a phone number associated with an M-Pesa account with enough credit to cover the cost of the duration your have chosen. Press the “Next Step” button. 7. Check your phone, M-Pesa sent you a menu
How to configure the CV PRO
To benefit from all the advanced functionalities of your CV PRO professional account follow these steps: 1. Login to your account. If you don't know how to login see the How to login to my account page. 2. Public Profile To configure your Public Profile, on the CV page, edit the “Professional Account” panel activating or deactivating the field “Public CV Visibility” (so that your CV is available on the candidate professional network and on the internet), “Allow Candidate Contacts” (so that other candidates and/or recruiters can contact you through your Public Profile), and “Allow Adding to Favorites” (so that other candidates and or recruiters can add you to their favorites). For your Public Profile you can personalize your address (URL) by pressing the “Edit” button and inserting your name with letters and/or numbers, without using spaces, symbols, or special characters, and with between 3 and 100 characters. This
meu CV
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