
Consultant for Endline Evaluation of Project

Missão Contra Lepra Moçambique

Missão Contra a Lepra Moçambique is recruiting a Consultant for Endline Evaluation of Project, to be based in Zambezia (Alto Molocue) & Cabo Delgado (Montepuez), Mozambique.
  • The Leprosy Mission Mozambique (TLMM), or Missão Contra a Lepra, is an international Christian non-government organisation, headquartered in the city of Nampula. TLMM is part of The Leprosy Mission’s Global Fellowship, currently made up of 27 countries. TLMM has been working in partnership with the Ministry of Health since 1992, providing technical, financial and logistical support to the National Leprosy Control Program (PNCL). TLMM has worked in Cabo Delgado (covering all 17 districts) since 1992, and in Zambezia (Alto Molocue only) since 2022
  • The Leprosy Mission Mozambique known as Missao Contra a Lepra have been implemented in Cabo Delgado and Zambezia, Mission Zero Project since April 2022
  • As the project is approaching its ending, an external evaluation is needed
  • As such, the consultant will:
  • Assess progress made towards the achievement of results at the outcome and output levels
  • Determine if the results contribute to the achievement of the triple zero strategy (Zero Transmission, Zero Disability & Zero Discrimination)
  • Assess if the project implementation/approach was aligned to the Theory of Change developed for the project
  • Assess performance in terms of the effectiveness, impact, relevance of approach, sustainability and local ownership of the project
  • Identify lessons learned and provide recommendations for guiding future projects/programmes in leprosy control
  • For this assignment, the consultant should relate to the following:
  • A Postgraduate qualification in Social Sciences, Human Resources Management, Business Administration, Public Health, or any field of humanities
  • Extensive experience in leading the evaluation and writing the report of health-related and development projects and programmes in low-resource settings (examples of reports to be provided)
  • Expertise in the use of quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis
  • Experience in facilitating multi-stakeholders’ discussions
  • Excellent communication, writing and presentation skills, in English (Portuguese and local language is advantageous, if not then an ability to ensure an appropriately experienced translator with good facilitation skills)
  • In-depth knowledge of health systems and health strategies in developing countries / Mozambique
  • Knowledge of Leprosy/NTDs is desirable
  • Experience with leprosy, disability & gender related projects is an advantage
  • Experience in sub-Saharan countries will be an asset
  • Mozambican preferred or expatriate who is resident in Mozambique
  • If you feel qualified and enthusiastic for the assignment, please, you to are invited to request Terms of Reference directly to our e-mail:
  • Only selected candidates will be contacted. Women, person affected by leprosy and persons with disabilities are welcome and encouraged to apply for the task


  • Entidade Missão Contra Lepra Moçambique
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  • Publicado 04.03.2025
  • Expira 09.03.2025
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  • Traduzir para Português

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