
Updated on 20 April 2021


I provide training and consultation in the use of specific statistical analysis software, analytical approaches, and statistical methods. Manages data from surveillance, investigations, or other sources. I also prepare and maintain datasets for statistical analysis, e.g. preparing SAS versions, as well as documentation and/or survey questionnaires, according to established timelines, in order to ensure achievement of research objectives. In addition, I can perform statistical analyses for specific Epidemiology research projects; create analytic plans for data using appropriate statistical/analytical computer packages, procedures, or other methods. Develops and implements protocols as an active member according to defined protocol roles and responsibilities. The candidate can provide well-researched and statistically sound epidemiologic or methodological expertise to analysts and researchers regarding study design and data collection. Produces well-structured and well-written posters, abstracts, manuscripts, and other scientific reports for international seminaries and conferences or for publication (in peer-reviewed journals or published) that are cleared with minimal re-work.

Public Profile url: Adelino Juga


