Sozinho Ndima

Updated on 26 February 2025


Sozinho Ndima is a Medical Anthropologist with an interest in community health workers and a Master's in Public Health follower focused on Human Resources for Health. He has experience teaching medical undergraduate (Community Health and Social and Anthropology Medicine) students. He also has an interest in Sexual Health and HIV which plays a key role at University Eduardo Mondlane. Engaged in developing E-Learning approaches for undergraduate and Master programs. Experienced researcher in community health worker program in Mozambique, designing and implementing supervision improvement to scale-up motivation and performance including data collection and analysis and public presentation of results. Large experience conducting program evaluations and research related to HIV. Expertise in Implementation Science with a focus on Quality Improvement and Embedment at different levels. Expertise in qualitative data analysis using qualitative software (Nvivo). Experience in project management and coordination with national and international NGOs and national and international consultants.

Public Profile url: Sozinho Ndima


