Chico Marata

Updated on 06 November 2024


 Shopkeeper Parente Shop shop- Semoc Responsável with fertilizar., Attending clients, Reporting any complains from Client to supply for Seed. Controlling the daily work book STOCK CONTROLLER AÇUCAREIRA OF MAFAMBISSE ( TONGAAT HULETT) Control sugar directly from production for 24 hours, Register the loading sugar to supply, Checking the quantity loaded and offload, Make stocktake monthly and annual nas report to the Warehouse manager, Meeting with others imployer about sefety in agora cleaner FLEETCONTROLLER SUPERVISOR UNITRANS OF MOZAMBIQUE - Report the tons loaded daily., - Provide fuel requisitions to operates., - Control of input and outputs of machinery, fuel consumption and report to teu Director of Transport., - Receive and monitoring work order., - inspector if work order are being lengthened conveniently indicating improvements or fixes in case there are necessary., - Critically análise the performance of the sector underground its responsibility., - Carry out operacional reports on teu activities of the sector under its responsibility., - Report maintenance of the machines to the workshops in coordination with teu workshop manager., - Release of alô malfunctions in the system um dia in the company ( I-FOX and FMS)., - Assist Human Resources work Both in the Accounting departament., - Calculation bonus for each driver, - Capturing defect report, jobcard, - Doing dairy report and send to the General manager. SKILLS PERSONAL DETAILS LANGUAGES OBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE Ndau, Speak 2018 - 2023 2023 - UP-TO-DATE 2001-2002 2003 - 2004 2020 SALESMAN MTM, MÁQUINAS E TRACTORES DE MOÇAMBIQUE JCB NEW HOLLAND - Salling machines (Tractors, implement, Constrution machines, JCB, parts) - Attending clients by telephone, e-mails and attendence, Deliver parte, - Issue quotation, Proforma invoca, shopping Guida, deliver note, payment invoice and receipt, - Recepition of material and keeping in the stock, -

Public Profile url: Chico Marata


