Salvador Luís Limeme

Updated on 10 January 2025


With accumulated 10 years of professional experience and overseeing large amounts of budgets and played many roles in Finance and Administrative positions and worked for complex projects with donors like Global Fund (Project CCS-GF) to support the daily operations particularly with main scope of Budget and Financial Reporting, with automated process to achieve targeted closing timelines, minimizing delays and providing accurate financial statements. As well I was focal point to oversee dally staff and operations management (Project Accounting, HR and Administration, Finance and Treasury, support Logistics and Procurement), and had great contribution in constituting and legalization of Sofala sub-office on 2019 at AVSI Foundation, carrying out humanitarian development projects for poverty relief in emergency context in response and reconstruction after Idai Cyclone at Center Zone, specially Beira City in Sofala Province, funded by diverse donors such as USAID, UKAID, UNICEF, ECW, CEI, IR and many others international cooperation partners. With experience in Accounting for automotive and fuel industry, I was responsible for accounting portfolio for many branches distributed in whole country and some JFS Group companies. I contributed for developing logistics and procurement procedures for Instituto Superior Dom Bosco.

Public Profile url: Salvador Luís Limeme


