Calisto Vilanculo is bachelor in Forest Engineering, Mastering in Rural Development, with professional training and certification in Planning for Monitoring and Evaluation from the University of Philanthropy in partnership with University of California and FHI360, holds several International Professional trainings on Gender, Grants Management, Natural Resources Management, Climate Changes, Agro ecology and others. He currently works as Programme Manager for ADEL CD/UNDP, National Forestry Specialist, Environment and Natural Resources Management at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the last years he has worked as Social Research and Development Consultant, Provincial Program Officer and Focal Point of Monitoring of SDGs for GMD/UNDP/EU in Inhambane Province. Mr. Vilanculo has over 7 years of Project Management experience, including experience in promoting Good Governance, design of social projects, implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation systems and coordinating the implementation of various programs on Natural Resources Management, Rural Development, governance, agriculture and food security, water and sanitation, extractive industry, climate change, social protection a gender. Actually, he has been working on Institutional capacity building of the MTA (Ministry of Land and Environment/DINAF), Forest Law review, Forest Information Systems as well as Strategy for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources.