Mr. Machado is a monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) professional with long experience designing, implementing and managing M&E and knowledge management systems for large development projects in areas including agribusiness, financial inclusion, education, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, OVC, health systems strengthening, and women’s empowerment through USAID, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida). Mr. Machado is experience in Value Chain and Market System Development (MSD/ M4P) approach and DCED Standard. He can analyze large quantitative data sets complemented by qualitative data to narrate program impact. He works closely with project staff, private and public partners and beneficiaries in the planning and defining of activity measurement plans to build staff capacity to collect and use data to drive project decision making. He is experienced in the design of M&E plans and systems for continuous quality improvement. Mr. Machado is a Mozambican citizen and member of board of directors of Mozambican Association for Monitoring and Evaluation (AMMA).